Saturday, July 15, 2006

Invitations are sent

and reply cards are streaming in. Have you sent yours?

We apologize if your reply card fell apart. It's only a (heavy-duty) gluestick holding the paper together. Call or email if your card won't make it through the mail. And if we spelled your name wrong, please tell us so we don't repeat the mistake.

In case you were confused about the invitation insert, we'll say it again: please wear a funny hat. Formal dress is not a requirement but you need to bring a hat- any kind of hat! In Dearborn, Lynch's costume shop is a great resource for less expensive, crazy hats. We've also had a lot of luck at Dollar Tree dollar stores (unless your head is as big as Dan's, that is). Or you could fold one out of newspaper.

One more thing: the food will be catered by Zingerman's and Raja Rani, two great restaurants in Ann Arbor. Please let us know if you have any food allergies so we can convey that information to the caterers. The food will be served buffet-style, so we'll make sure to have everything clearly labeled.


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